Tracey Alley

I was born, raised and still live in sunny south-east Queensland with my dog and two cats.

I enjoy travel, boxing, yoga, horse-riding and would love to learn photography and scuba-diving - my two new challenges for the year.

I've been writing for as long as I can remember but found fantasy through role-playing and Dungeons & Dragons - since then I've never looked back. I love to read and write fantasy - the escapism is wonderful.

I have degrees in Ancient History, where I specialised in Egyptology, and Comparative Religions, where I specialised in ancient pagan religions. I incorporate a lot of that into my work, using old myths and legends and religious practices.  Next year I'm headed back to Uni to complete a Masters in Christian History 

Book(s) By Tracey Alley

No books.


Tracey, when did you begin writing, and did you always envisage being an author?

I've been writing for as long as I could hold a pen and from the time I was very small I wanted to be an author. Actually achieving that goal was something I wasn't sure I would be able to do but I kept trying until I felt I had something worthwhile to say that would, hopefully, be entertaining.

What inspired you to write your first book?

I've always felt that I had stories to tell so I wanted to write them down.  My first full-length novel was a semi-autobiographical novel that I decided in the end not to publish as it dealt with a particularly painful period in my life. Maybe some day it will see publication but not yet.

Describe your book ‘Erich's Plea: Book One Of The Witchcraft Wars’ in 30 words or less.

Erich's Plea is high fantasy and filled with action and adventure but at it's heart it's a story about love and how far people go for the people they love. 

Do you become attached to your characters and have a hard time letting them go, or are you happy that their story is told and you can move on?

I've become very attached to some of the characters in the Witchcraft Wars series but I will be glad to finish the story as I have so many other tales I want to tell - and I'll probably get attached to those characters as well.

Who are some of your favorite authors and books? What are you reading now?

My all time favourite author is Terry Pratchett, I adore his Discworld series.  At the moment though I'm reading a lot of Indie authors and discovering some truly wonderful gems, many are books I might not otherwise have looked at but I've yet to be disappointed in any of the Indie fiction I've been reading.  M.R. Mathias is a current favourite.

Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?

Only inside my head.  As I'm writing primarily fantasy fiction the world I've created is always there for me whenever I sit at the keyboard.

What can we expect from you next?

The Witchcraft Wars should be finished by Christmas and I'm also hoping to release a series of children's books at the same time.  I'm also working on a non-fiction book about the history of Christianity and trying my hand at a paranormal, mystery thriller.

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