T. Lynne Tolles

T. Lynne Tolles is a lifelong avid reader of all things paranormal and now is a writer of young adult paranormal romances for readers 15 to 115. She grew up in the sunny California San Francisco bay area. She's the mother of two, wife to one and pet mom to three cats and Newfie dog. 

Blood of a Werewolf is the first of five books in a series called, the Blood Series. Other titles include Somber Island and Mirror of Shadows - both unrelated to the series

Book(s) By T. Lynne Tolles

No books.


Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I'm a stay at home mom, who works part time as a bookkeeper and a writer.

Describe your books ‘Blood Series books’ in 30 words or less. 


The Blood Series is about two sister witches, who fall for two vampire brothers. As their adventures unfold, they meet some interesting characters, along with some lifetime friends.

What was the hardest part of writing your books?


Editing...You get so excited when you've finished a book, but you still have this daunting task of editing.

What books have had the greatest influence on you?


I'm a huge fan of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, Ellen Schreiber's Vampire Kisses and all of L.J. Smith's books. I also grew up reading Stephen King and Anne Rice. I think they probably all have influenced me in one way or another, however it was Ellen Schreiber's comment on her website that pushed me to try my hand at writing.

Briefly share with us what you do to market your books?


I've done quite a few things. I've advertised on GoodReads, set up a website, blog, forum. I use BookBuzzr and fReado premium plan. I've sent out dozens of books to bloggers and reviewers and most recently sent my book to a local YA bookstore on a trial/consignment basis. Marketing really can be a full time job and sometimes I have to remind myself, I'm first and foremost a writer.

How do you spend your time when you are not writing?


These days??? Mostly marketing, but I've met a lot of wonderful indie writers out there and have a TBR pile that could probably reach the ceiling, so whenever I need to get away, I pick up a book. I also knit and sew on occasion. 

What are you working on next?


I'm working on the final book of the Blood Series called Deadman's Blood. I'm hoping to finish it this month and send it off to the editor. I'm also brewing some new ideas for a possible new series.

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