Kerri Kannan

To Know Thyself is the purest form of spirituality. You are Now and to know the Self in the present moment of Now is Self-Realization.

Back in 1998, I was given the gift of being encouraged to quit my job and do what I really wanted to do.  Being given this opportunity, I set out to find my "Life Purpose."  I read books and took tests that would tell me what I was good at doing but was seeking something deeper.  I wanted something that would be fulfilling and that would give my life meaning and purpose.

During an internet search, I came across an article by Jon Snodgrass, PhD titled, "Your Special Function according to A Course in Miracles." In the article, Snodgrass stated that your "Special Function" otherwise known as your "Life Purpose" is the exact polar opposite of what you perceive to be the reality of your own guilt, sin or victimization.  In other words, what is missing is your gift, your weakness is your strength, your special dysfunction IS your Special Function."

I always had body image issues so when I read that, I thought, "Okay what is my 'special dysfunction?' I'm fat.  No, that's not it.  I don't like myself.  No.  I don't LOVE myself!"  When that thought crossed my mind, I started jumping around my living room thanking everyone who ever hurt me.  I realized that I had drawn all of my hurtful experiences to myself to provide context to understand the content of my thinking. Without the hurtful experiences, I would never know what I had been doing to myself all along.  I realized that thoughts were the most powerful tools in the universe and to change my life, I must first change my thinking.  I also realized that my "Special Function" was to learn how to love myself and teach other people how to do the same. 

This site and all of my work is an extension of the idea that in order to live a life of complete love and fulfillment, you must first love the Self.  I help people to understand our True Nature and to let go of limiting thoughts to live a life of effortless fulfillment.

There are many tools available for personal awakening and transformation.  Please check out my Transformation programs, or buy a book and also check out my free services including the “Uncovering the Divine Within Workbook,” Spiritual discussion forums, Uncovering the Divine Within Newsletter and The Love the Life you Live Transformation video.  

Thanks for stopping by and may you be blessed with the knowledge and understanding that you are the love and fulfillment you have always sought.




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