ABOUT Robert Pelton

Robert Pelton
MEET THE AUTHOR Robert W. Pelton proudly claims a heritage going all the way back to well before the War for American Independence.  One of Mr. Pelton’s ancestors, John Rogers, came to America on the Mayflower and was one of 41 signers of the Mayflower Compact.  Another, John Smit More...


           A shocking expose of the shameful betrayal  and astounding cover up regarding American military men who were deliberately left behind following World War 11, the Korean War and the debacle in Vietnam.

           How American soldiers and marines were abandoned in Russian and Chinese slave labor camps. 

           How highly skilled Cuban interrogators were brought in to sadistically maim and murder American POWs. 


he view espoused by Henry “Bor” Kissinger: “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”

          And Harriet Ison, Charge d’ Affairs -- United States Embassy in Vientiane, Laos, 1990: “You do not understand … there is a greater destiny for our foreign policy in Asia and the POWs are expendable in pursuit of that policy.”  

Who would have thought that young American boys drafted or enlisting in the United States Armed Forces during World War II  would end up as POWs and spend the rest of their lives in horrid Russian slave labor camps?

Tens of thousands did!

Who would have thought that young American boys drafted or enlisting in the United States Armed Forces during the Korean War would end up as POWs and spend the rest of their lives in horrid Korean, Chinese and Russian slave labor camps?

Thousands upon thousands did!

Who would have ever believed that their government would have deliberately abandoned to their sadistic Communist captors thousands of young American fighting men who had been left behind when the Korean War ended?

The United States Government did exactly this!

Who would have thought that young American boys, drafted or enlisting in the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam War, would end up as POWs and spend the rest of their lives in horrid Vietnamese, Laotian, Chinese and Russian slave labor camps?

Thousands more did!

n following World War 11, the Korean War and the War in VieWho would have ever believed that officials in their government would blatantly lie by announcing in 1973 and uncountable times since that all American POWs in Vietnam and in other parts of Southeast Asia were dead?

Officials throughout the United States Government lied and continue to lie to this very day!

Who would have ever believed that United States Army specialists would deliberately misidentify the purported remains of American servicemen sent back by the Communist regime in Vietnam?

They did and are still doing this!

Who would have ever believed that despite more than 1400 unresolved reports of first-hand live American POW sightings, an agency of the United States Government still has the audacity to lie by declaring that it had “no credible evidence”?

The Defense Department did just this!

Yes, all of the above and much, much more is carefully documented in Unwanted Dead or Alive, an explosive exposé of a series of shameful betrayals: the betrayal of American prisoners of war as World War II wound down to its conclusion; the betrayal of American prisoners of war after the Korean debacle; and the betrayal of American prisoners of war following the spectacularly brazen Washington-engineered Vietnam sellout! 

Covered are such controversial topics as the carefully orchestrated whitewash concerning the torture, death and abandonment of American fighting me


The truth about this incredible prisoner of war cover-up following World War 11, the Korean War and the War in Vietnam.

The unbelievable official government lies distortions and intimidation tactics used to hide the truth about American POWs held after World War 11, the Korean War and the War in Vietnam.

The never ending denial of the existence of American military men who were so shamelessly abandoned by the leaders of their own country.

The shocking manner in which American prisoners of war were knowingly left behind to die of starvation and torture at the hands of their communist captors.

The traitors who engineered this colossal whitewash should be held responsible for the beatings, torture, death and abandonment of America’s fighting men following World War 11, the Korean War and the War in Vietnam.