Plain Old Kirby Carson

Young Adult, Humor, Children's Books

By Ryan ONeil

Publisher : Auriferous Books

ABOUT Ryan ONeil

Ryan ONeil
Ryan ONeil was born and raised in Upstate New York, but it was the hustle and bustle of Long Island and the love of a pretty woman that beckoned him to pull up roots and move away from home. When not sitting in traffic he spends the majority of his days as an Information Technology Engine More...


Kirby Carson was not the most popular kid at school nor was he a standout in any way. In fact, very few people even noticed plain old Kirby Carson at all.

Everything was about to change when Sue Andrews, Monika Randolph, and the class bully all came looking for Kirby in the same day. He knew that his old tattered jean jacket would not be enough to keep him hidden any longer.