Kids Say The Cutest Things When They're Drunk, A Book of Pointless Satire and Vulgar Humor, Most of It Funny


By Dan McQuinn

Publisher : Fauldhouse Publishing

ABOUT Dan McQuinn

Dan McQuinn
 An alumnus of Second City's writing program, Dan has contributed to the writing of several comic plays and many unfinished crossword puzzles. Dan lives in the western suburbs of Chicago with his trophy wife, two children and a dog that barks at drywall.


Kids Say the Cutest Things When They’re Drunk, the first book from humor writer, Dan McQuinn, is a sharply written collection of comic letters, monologues and playlets that provides sure-fire laughs drunk or sober. The 50+ comic essays draw their humor from every phase of life as imagined by McQuinn from the moment his parents meet for the first time to his bizarre final wishes.

After the birth of his children, Dan had a poor man's mid-life crisis and took up writing. Starting with Denny's comment cards, he worked his way up to indignant letters of complaint to breakfast cereal companies before collecting his musings in the book you are now patiently waiting to load.

“This is the best debut publication I’ve ever written!”

                              Dan McQuinn