You Can't Fry Chicken in 8 Minutes..but You Can Set Incredible Goals in 8 Steps

ABOUT Patrick George

Patrick George
Patrick George is a popu­lar motivational speaker and author of the books, “The Little Black Book of Leadership Quotes”, “Quotes for the True Leader” and his newest book, “You Can’t Fry Chicken in 8 Minutes but You Can Set Incredible Goals in 8 Steps”. Patrick’s passion f More...




One Step at a time . . . Incredible goals are achievable!

This book will help you set goals that will deliver results in your school, work or home life. With eight steps, you’ll be closer to reaching the true potential you know you possess. You Can’t Fry Chicken in 8 Minutes but you can set Incredible Goals in 8 steps is the newest book from motivational speaker and author, Patrick George.

That’s a fantastic book, which I’ll definitely work through to

help reach my own goals. I love the way you combine personal stories with the lessons you’ve learned along the way...and I have to say, the title is a classic. Your fried chicken story made me laugh out loud :)

Keidi Keating
The Word Queen