Pathy's Violin Journey To Nigea

ABOUT David McMann White

David McMann White
David McMann White resides in Charleston, West Virginia where he teaches Electrical Technology at Carver Career and Technical Education Center. David and his wife, Philann, enjoy taking advantage of the many outdoor opportunities available to them in the Mountain State. His passion for  More...



Pathy Faden, a 15 year old girl from Charlottesville, Virginia, finds that her exceptional talents with the violin are no match for the challenges that await her in the rural community that adjoins her
grandfather’s farm in Monroe County, West Virginia. Shortly after the death of her renowned grandfather the dreams begin. A sequence of events draws her closer to discovering the truth behind her late grandfather’s unexplained ability to craft incomparable violins. Traumatic happenings occur, which unknown to Pathy, propel her head long towards a destiny she could never have foreseen. Pathy’s Violin - Journey to Nigea is simply a thrill ride of page turning excitement. There is no better time than now to begin reading this exciting new series fantasy novel