Resting in HIM! The First ETA Book of Devotionals

Religion & Spirituality

By Cauline Thomas-Brown

Publisher : ETA Publishing House

ABOUT Cauline Thomas-Brown

Cauline Thomas-Brown
The founder and Chief Apostle of End Time Army Worldwide Ministries Inc. Cauline Thomas-Brown is also a highly gifted writer of non fictional work which inspires the reader to blaze a trail forward in whatever they endeavour


This highly anointed work is much more than a book of devotionals! As you visit each new scripture and commentary for each day of the month; not only will you be encouraged, inspired and equipped to not only face the day, enjoy the day and be triumphant throughout!  You will also find that each devotional draws you the reader closer to God causing you to build an even stronger relationship with Him. Every reader will be empowered and want to revisit these devotionals time and time again.

Being online opens an individual or company to see and understand the needs of those who populate the internet and social networking sites. After such an experience it was decided to begin a journey into the building up up people through encouragement and biblical insight concerning everyday issues. It has been and continues to be a journey well worth the effort, investment, and time.