Ghostly Antiques

Ghostly Antiques

ABOUT Jennifer Robins

Jennifer Robins
Retired business woman. Live with husband, pets, have grown family. Love music, art, children, and animals. Play piano, paint in oils and write great novels.



Death and the dearly departed are no stranger to Clara Espy. All she needs to do is touch or hold an item that is possessed and she is in contact with the dead. She also has visions of the past and present with only the touch of her hand.
Love finds this lonly widow and saves her from the grips of a nasty bunch of terrorist.
Suspense, Romance and Murder will keep you turning the pages.

Paranormal and the research of gifted persons has inspired me to write this book.

I have just read "Ghostly Antiques" by Jennifer Robins, this book was difficult to put down and I finished the 234 pages within a day. The plot, of mystery and suspense will keep you glued to this book.