...The Twain Shall Meet

General Fiction

By J Guevara

Publisher : createspace

ABOUT J Guevara

j guevara
j guevara
(lower case 'j' and 'g', helps remind me of my insignificance, and separates me on goggle search from the 600 who plagiarized my name)

musician/storyteller/soul food chef.
Global citizen, incurable peregrinator
Have pen - Will t More...


If you’re a Twain fan you’ll love it. If not, you will be. A riotous, hilarious, soul-searching romp through the 20th century with the icon of American literature in his unique wit, insight and perspective, as relevant today as they were a hundred years ago. What would Twain say if he were here today? Well, let’s put the matter to rest. “Let not the tongue of idle cavilers dissuade”-MT


From the opening chapter to the final sentence,  j guevara has unfolded a tale that pushes your imagination in every direction, drags you kicking and screaming into the past and back again, language and dialogue that screams across the page, until, finally, you reach a climax that makes you just want to go back and do it again. Enthralling, hilarious, bold and entertaining…what more could you ask for?”
-Paul Phillips, Readers Heaven, NSW Aust.

Somehow, j guevara has channeled Twain – his cadence, language and personality spot on.  After reading and re-reading, I now have to ask …is this really fiction?
-Quin Browne,  scrip supv,  FMD Productions

Mark Twain returns for a brief visit as he is taken on a whirlwind tour of the 20th century,commenting in his unique Twain insight, wit and humor

By Readers Favorite
In 1986, the year of Haley's comet, Reid, on his regular pre-dawn Key West beach stroll, stumbles across and elderly gentleman who verifiably proves to be the Mark Twain, white suit and all. Apparently, news of Twain's demise, even after 75 years, has again been greatly exaggerated. Losing the wager they make, Reid lives up to his part of the bargain by providing Twain with room and board for the next 30 days.

Curious to see what has occurred since his last departure in 1910, Reid sets out to bring Twain up to date from political correctness to modern inventions with a whirlwind tour of live blues, a nude bar, an Indian reservation, past fields of Latino migrants, Epcot, Disneyworld and a return flight. All building toward an awe inspired packed audience to witness Twain's final performance of commentary on today's human condition in his typical wit, humor and wisdom

I'm not so sure j guevara hasn't actually met Samuel Clemons, aka Mark Twain. Twain's dialogue especially in his performance near the end of the book is realistic. I found The Twain Shall Meet, entertaining, humorous and a delightful read.

This is the first book I have read by author j guevara. I eagerly await his next book. J has that special something that few authors have. It is a special gift that you are either born with or not. Guevara was born with it. The characters are life-like and likable. The plot is interesting and has a message to it. The Twain Shall Meet is the type of book that compels you to reread. Well done Mr. j guevara!
This one shouldn't be missed!

Walt Long:
In a tale that rivals Mark Twain's own classic adventures with colorful characters and relevant insights, j Guevara has crafted a funny and intelligent story that bridges time and cultural change. He has a remarkable gift for dialog and for subtle, Twainesque humor.