General Fiction

By Michael Gilwood

Publisher : Publish America

ABOUT Michael Gilwood

Michael Gilwood
Michaels writing career began at the age of nine writing children’s columns in a local Kentish newspaper. At seventeen, he started writing short stories and poems. After reading hundreds of books, Michael always blamed his nearness to writing thanks to the overly imaginative works of More...


Stephen Gotlar, a first grade building engineer and security strategist is summoned by the American authorities to build a wall around a city after a natural disaster and failed experiment. Time is against him, as Stephen and ten thousand others raise the super bastion to protect those already inside against an unusual molecular epidemic originating from somewhere on the Mexican coastline. By the time DOK is completed, it is already too late. Our city known as DOK 16 is the last of humanity and I manage to hide from the terror in my own wall, an area in an unused, forgotten part of DOK. Trapped and unable to leave, they indefatigably hunt me down. They know I am close, yet, I remain unconscious to their eyes until one day, I see my wife out there calling my name. However, far above the earth, curious and attentive eyes are watching my every movement. 

DOK began four years ago as a repeating dream where i was hiding in an enclosed house with six windows from something lurking outside between the trees and bushes. The same dream went on for three nights. After the third i wrote everything down on paper and fed it into the pc.