Kiddy Ditties 4

Children's Books

By Guy Arneson

Publisher : Author House

ABOUT Guy Arneson

guy arneson
Kiddy Ditties teach a broad range of values, morals and concepts such as friendship, family and teamwork, all at the sound of melodic words.



These KIDDY DITTIES books are full of simple, easy-to-comprehend yet sound teachings, in homely children's language that children all over the world can relate to; enforced by beautiful animated telling illustrations that parents will gladly welcome into their home library.

Kiddy Ditties teach a broad range of values, morals and concepts such as friendship, family and teamwork, all at the sound of melodic words. The illustrator for these books is Joshua F. Wright, who uses bright, cheerful colors for his artwork and vivid expressions for his characters. Guy is a Free Lance Web Designer and helps new authors with websites to market their work. To see an example website visit