Is Your Father Black ?

Biographies & Memoirs

By Joseph Frank Baraba

Publisher : Publish America

ABOUT Joseph Frank Baraba

Joseph Frank Baraba
I'm the author of three books, the first: " Is Your Father Black ? Isbn# 1413755569 My 2nd book : " Dusty" Isbn# 1424120187My third book : " Visions Of Freedom" Isbn# 978-1-4489-2154-8 my new book is about Castro, Cuba and communism.


This is a story that takes place in 1956 Brooklyn, New York. It's the story of a young boy who loses his father at age seven in the half and his mother at 29 who is left alone with five young children. A year later his mother meets a man who is kind, gentle and loving. Young Joey takes to him. One day Joey can't figure out why people on the street stare at them and make rude remarks, until he finds out his step-father is black. This is the story of one families struggles of being an inter-racial family and the journey of anger that ends in bitterness and tragedy.