Screwing the Pooch

General Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers, Romance

By J. B. Bergstad

Publisher : Woodside Publishing Group/

ABOUT J. B. Bergstad

J. B. Bergstad
You might say I was born a writer. I began my storytelling career as soon as I could talk. At age six, I discovered "share time" and my imagination was off and running. I persisted in the invention of fantastic stories throughout my childhood. I honed the practice as a teenager,  More...


Each story included in Screwing the Pooch was first conceived by author J. B. Bergstad in the context of a novel. It was soon apparent to the author, however, the soul of the story could be told in an abbreviated style. J. B. is not one to throw away a good story, short or not. Soon he had many and decided on this potpourri of eclectic tales to bind up in a collection.