Rain of Grace New & Selected Poems

Rain of Grace New & Selected Poems

ABOUT Shaikh Ibrahim AlJahizz MBacke

Shaikh Ibrahim AlJahizz MBacke
SIAM, after completing his studies at Aenon Bible College, and Ohio State University, went on to complete his Master of Theological Studies degree from the Harvard Divinity School in 1976. This Mystic Poet is known both for his poetry as well as his work in theater.    SIAMhas appeare More...



A masterfully constructed book of psycho-spiritual poems that may make you laugh; may make you cry, but you surely will not be bored – a profoundly unique creative literary experience, chronicling the last thirty years of a great Mystic’s journey toward spiritual purification, illumination, resurrection, and ascension. Rain of Grace, New & Selected Poems is more than just another typical book of poetry; it is an extraordinary transformative symphonic poetical encounter.