She Was Ylian

She Was Ylian

ABOUT Dianne Mandal

dianne mandal
I'm 25 years old from the Philippines. Help me spread the news about my novel, She Was Ylian.



Just as twenty-two-year-old Ylian Lareza thinks that life can't get any better--she’s found the perfect man and the perfect career--tragedy strikes and she dies of a heart attack. But Ylian’s story is just beginning. After dying in the arms of her fiancé, Miguel Montes, she awakens to find herself in Paninap, a magical land set aside for young adults who have died suddenly. During her forty days in Paninap, she must visit the dreams of living people – family members, friends, and strangers – to help her forget her earthly life and prepare her for Heaven. With the help of a new friend named Micah, Ylian (now called Muriel) struggles to accept her new identity and help a troubled little girl named Afriel. Though she still loves Miguel, she begins to fall for fellow transient Gavreel, who tries to erase his own shameful past through loving her.

Book release - December 2009

I was in front of my excel sheet, when the story of Ylian crossed my mind. That night, I couldn't help but write down all the ideas. In three months, it was complete - Ylian's story and I have a whole new book!