Fill My Eyes

General Fiction

By Terry Robertson

Publisher : Publish America

Fill My Eyes

ABOUT Terry Robertson

Terry Robertson
The author of the novel "Fill My Eyes" and the forthcoming "The Backside of Yesterday", the author began writing at the age of 15 and was published at 19. His first book "Broken Windows", (poetry) was published by the prestigious THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS in aud More...



"Fill My Eyes" set 50 years ago, is a novel without the values that made America great resulting is oft-times hilarious, but ultimately disastrous results. The novels takes places over a 24 hours period and is narrated in several first person voices, as well as the third person. Caught in the middle of the maze of dysfunctional adults, is a small insecure 4 year old, seeking understanding and love from his older conflicted brother who has raised him from birth. The novel is a mystery and a commentary on current, yet sadly overlooked issues.
This is a short book, but filled with a big theme and succeeds on all levels. The author proposes a society without family and religious values and what do you get? Dysfunctional people all over the place. These values may seem in place, but they are ultimately false. The most interesting element of this book is the author's ability to write part of his story from a logical point of view of a four year old boy who is caught up in this messy adult society.

The book is filled the images and symbolism, particularly the surprise ending. This is not a fun nor an easy read. It must be read carefully, it's not difficult but requires your attention as the author will throw in another unanswered question in mid paragraph!

The structure of the book is very interesting. Three first person accounts, as well as the third person. There is a very strong mystery element I don't know if the author intended or not, but it keeps you reading from the explosive opening to the surprising climax.

Well done. Five Stars! Flipkart, India's largest online store