Lord, Teach Us To Pray

Excerpts & Samples

By Lester Elliott Lester Elliott

Publisher : Ellechor Media, LLC

Lord, Teach Us To Pray

ABOUT Lester Elliott Lester Elliott

Lester Elliott Lester Elliott

Lester Elliott is the senior pastor of the Lauderhill Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has been in ministry for over 37 years, including 5 years as a hospital chaplain. Lester holds a Master of Divinity degree and training in Chaplaincy. He has pastored in England, Trinidad and Toba More...



"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matthew 21:22 KJV

Prayer is a common feature in every culture, yet still is often misunderstood. Prayer needs no intermediary, is not an impressive display, and is most effective when prayed in private. Through prayer, we receive the Holy Spirit, the greatest gift from our Father in Heaven!

Lord, Teach Us To Pray provides 30 Lessons on Prayer from the life and teachings of Jesus to help readers engage in the privilege of communion and fellowship with the Creator of the Universe. It removes the misconceptions we have about prayer so that we can pray with confidence, knowing that God is eager to respond to our every need. God knows what we need even before we pray and will answer each sincere cry to Him. Embark now on this journey to transform your life through prayer, and your character to reflect that of Christ.