Caution to the Wind (American Heroes)

ABOUT Mary Jean Adams

Mary Jean Adams
I read my first romance novel in seventh grade, and I've been hooked ever since. While other kids struggled to figure out what to write in their English journals, I tried my hand at a soap opera. I can still remember the "inappropriate" my English teacher wrote across the top of  More...


Battles on the high seas aren't always with the enemy...
When the War for Independence leaves them fatherless, Amanda Blakely must protect her adopted brother, Neil, no matter what it takes - even if that means following the impetuous lad onto an American privateer. She disguises herself as an adolescent boy and convinces the crew master she is Neil's older brother.

How long can she fool Captain William Stoakes, the man they call The Sea Wolf? A rebel with a bloodthirsty reputation, Captain Stoakes has but one hard and fast rule - no women on his ship. Staying safe means staying away from him, but that's hard to do when the wolf calls to the woman within.

Once her disguise is revealed, Amanda is a constant reminder to the captain that his cardinal rule has been disobeyed, his command usurped. To make matters worse, she thinks she's a damned sailor and has his entire crew wrapped around her little finger. If only he can keep her out of trouble long enough to return her to Baltimore. If only he can keep his hands off her.