ABOUT M. Anthony Phillips

m. anthony phillips
Michael Anthony Phillips was born in St. Louis, Missouri on July 20, 1961. His father worked as a Private Investigator and was an avid classic movie watcher who kept Michael up late at night watching movies with him. As a kid Michael and his brother Sam stayed up late nights listening to t More...



An ancient Jade Amulet, a beautiful American girl with Asian ancestries, and a Celestrial dragon go on an exotic adventure to the Far East to find the dragon's lost mate before another team gets there first. Join Isabella Treehorn, her brother Kaelyn, Uncle Titus, and the crazy Witch Grace with the dragon Tianlong as they race against time to find Ling Ling, Tianlong's mate in the frozen regions of Mongolia and the Himalayas. Isabella is a simple girl of twelve with mixed heritage and who has trouble fitting in her school. Her mother on her death bed gives Isabella a family heirloom, a Jade stone amulet with unbelievable powers of Chi and telepathy. But with that fortune the necklace also brings death to every other generation of the Treehorn women dating back to her ancestors in the Ming Dynasty period. Ancient Demons the Lords of Death put a curse on the first princess for her wicked ways and have killed off most of the princess's descendents.