The Drama Unfolds

Young Adult

By Andrea Kulman

Publisher : Publish America

The Drama Unfolds

ABOUT Andrea Kulman

Andrea Kulman
I am a full time author and homemaker.  I am happily married and have five children.  My first book was released 05/27/2008... second one on 02/09/2009.  I write YA/Fiction and children's books.



Jenna and Ana have been friends since birth. Throughout their lives they have encountered many new friends to weave into their web of what some would refer to as "self destruction". This is their senior year of high school and the final showdown will begin.

Will Jenna win Andrew’s heart when she decides to join the high school foot ball team?

Ana has secretly been after a close friend, while dating someone else seriously for two years. She drags all of her friends and family into the dramatic relationship she chooses to make work.

Will these teens ever graduate?

The drama truly unfolds as these friends bring you into their world of adventure, love, hate, backstabbing, and finally what they have been waiting for all year long, graduation day.