Full Circle Escape from Baghdad and the Return

Full Circle  Escape from Baghdad and the Return

ABOUT Saul Silas Fathi

Saul Silas Fathi
I am a Sephardic Jew born in Baghdad. Escaped at age 10 to Israel, through Iran. Many more details. You should have provided the means to import the data. Search my name at Amazon.com for full details.



My autobiography, Full Circle: Escape from Baghdad and the Return, chronicles a prominent Iraqi Jewish family’s escape from persecution through the journey of one family member:  a 10-years old boy who witnesses public hangings and the 1941 Kristallnacht (Farhood) in Baghdad. After a harrowing escape from Iraq through Iran, this boy begins a life-long search for meaning and his place in the world. His journey takes him to the newly-formed State of Israel, then to Brazil and finally to the United States. He joins the U.S. Army and serves in Korea and returns to a fascinating career in three Fortune-500 companies. Following September 11, 2001, he volunteers to work for the F.B.I. Genre: Youth and adult, anyone interested in the history of the Middle-East, the Jewish people and Sephardic life under Islam.