High Cotton


PJ Dunn
Growing up in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and especially in Kings Mountain,enhanced an interest in the American Revolution that was birthed at an early age with a visit to the Kings Mountain National Military Park. Yearly family reunions at nearby Lake Crawford, in the South More...


High Cotton chronicles the life of a 12 year old boy, his kidnapping, and being sold into slavery. He suffered torture and abuse and witnessed horrible events prior to and during his journey via slave trader ship to America. He was auctioned to a plantation and eventually emancipated. He returns to the sea aboard the same ship he arrived on, and remains until the death of the ships Captain. Left a substantial amount of money by the Captain only to be conned by a carpetbagger, he looses everything and ends up a beggar on the streets of St. Louis. A very talented entertainer, even though a black man in a society of white aristocracy, he gains popularity and becomes an owner of a night club and faces adversity on every hand.

Other Book(s) By PJ Dunn