You Matter: Love, Experience, Struggles, Media, and You

ABOUT Negou Seid

Negou Seid
My Name is Negou Seid, my author name is N.A.S. My book is entitled "You Matter: Love, Experience, Struggles, Media and You" I spent the last five years working on this book. My goal with this book is simple, to encourage people, to create an image of hope and in the process chan More...



Life’s greatest journey begins with being lost. Any journey where we know the destination is an ordinary trip, planned and executed correctly. A great journey is one filled with missteps, obstacles, and a sense of hopelessness at some point. However, in the end there is a feeling of relief, an understanding of self-strength, and joy of accomplishment. On this journey he reexamined his experience, struggles, the media, love and how it all connects to his everyday happiness.