ABOUT Thomas Rutledge

Thomas Rutledge


Rich heiress is kidnapped for no apparent reason. Her plane crashes into dense forested area where it just happens that a police detective is taking a much needed rest from his undercover operations. He guides her back to civilization and safety. Her ordeal is over, or is it.Although "Hunted Heiress" is a formulaic romance, the setting makes it somewhat different from most romances. It is somewhat annoying and amusing at the same time; for example, remember that the heiress is such a whiny little pain in the rear who has never in her life slept on the ground, or so much as seen a bug, let alone been swarmed by them. She readily adapts, however, to find herself attracted to her rescuer in spite of his "common" social standing. For a romance, this is both an amusing and entertaining short story. I would recommend this book to fans of romances. Also, if you have never read a romance, and think you'd like to try one, this is a good one to start with.