Look at You

Look at You

ABOUT Jorge Santa Cruz

jorge santa cruz
Jorge Santa Cruz is Habanero. Graduated in communication at Florida International University, he writes fiction in English and Spanish. His novels can be found at jscruz.me 


Mambo, a rock star from the '80s, wants a sabbatical break from Luna Moth, his wife--a former prostitute-- after more than 20 years of marriage.

    AvA, their daughter, has left home to pursuit her career in law, so they pretend to go back to their offices. But the music world has changed, and it does not respond to Mambo's guitar harmony or his band.

For Luna Moth, the world is a different stage.

    In fact, her sensuality shocks the world which once maltreated her, and she now reigns as a top model, thanks to her protector, a writer who sold the story of her life to a reality show.

    Luna meets with Mambo before the allotted year is up to tell him she has decided not to go back to him. Mambo is devastated by her decision.

    However, Luna Moth cherishes her years next to Mambo, and her heart will show him, and the world, the caliber she is made of.