Matt Archer: Blade's Edge

Young Adult, Middle Grade

By Kendra C. Highley

Publisher : Kendra C. Highley

ABOUT Kendra C. Highley

Kendra C. Highley

Matt Archer: Blade's Edge, book two in the Matt Archer series, is a coming of age story for Matt. In book one, he was just learning what it meant to be a monster hunter. Now, he's fully on board with his team and facing greater challenges than ever before. In addition to his hunting life, his home life radically changes: he has a girlfriend now and has to learn how to balance "work" with a relationship, he learns about some pretty serious family secrets, and his relationship with his best friend goes through some bump transformations as well. It's not easy being a teenage monster hunter, but Matt's determined not to let it destroy him. Whether or not he's successful is up to you, the reader.