Why She Left Us

General Fiction

By David DAguanno

Publisher : Amazon Digital Services, Createspace

ABOUT David DAguanno

David DAguanno
I am a retired English teacher who got hooked on detective novels when I was an adolescent. Later on, I began writing my own detective novels, completing nine of them and all of them featuring a hard-boiled, unscrupulous character by the name of Brett Cornell.
The novels are written  More...


It was the summer of 1985, and she was young and inexperienced, but longing to love and to be loved in return, when he entered her life.
At the same time, while she was desperately seeking the love and approval of a mother who never wanted her in the first place, events totally beyond her control claimed her as their victim, leaving those she left behind unable to cope with the enormity of her absence.

"WHY SHE LEFT US” is written as a series of diary entries, the events seen through the eyes of several different people.
But at its center is a love story chronicling a romance that transforms the lives of two people who, for too brief a period of time, experienced the greatest happiness they had ever known.