Desert Heat: What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas


By Kristie Leigh Maguire

Publisher : KLM Books

ABOUT Kristie Leigh Maguire

Kristie Leigh Maguire
Ms. Maguire has read romance novels since her early years. When she first began her writing career, she tried to pattern her writing after some of her favorite romance authors. This did not work for her. She soon discovered that she had her own voice and style of writing. She writes roman More...


Romance of the Year - Affaire de Coeur Magazine
Affairs of the Heart (Book One)

From the scorching sun of the Mojave Desert to the brilliant neon lights of Las Vegas, the sexy steel magnolia Marcie Treyhorne blazes a trail of passion through the desert sands. Her heart is torn in half as her feelings for her handsome blonde haired lover grows into a raging inferno while her love for her equally handsome dark haired husband remains as steadfast as the ancient desert mountains that surround Mojave Junction, California. Don't expect the typical romance story with this novel. There are no shrinking violets or shy maidens who long to be taken against their will in DESERT HEAT. Get swept away into a world of sex and passion—if you dare!


 Marcie Treyhorne has followed her husband, Steve, from city to city throughout the years they've been married. She's used to making swift adjustments to new homes, new jobs, and new bosses. But she never had a boss like Jim before! Can it be time for the Treyhornes to test their theoretically "open" marriage? Time to admit a third person, and form an intimate circle?

That's just what happens, and in some respects it turns out wonderfully. But it also turns complicated, in ways none of the trio anticipated.

Kristie Leigh Maguire doesn't make the mistake of substituting sex for plot and characterization. She generates enough heat to melt your glasses while you're reading, but not at the expense of featuring believable characters and telling a darn good story. Don't miss this one if ultra-sensual romance is your cup of tea.

Nina Osier