Strangers With Candy

General Fiction, Middle Grade, Young Adult

By Dora McAlpin

Publisher : Wilding Way Publishing

Strangers With Candy

ABOUT Dora McAlpin

Dora McAlpin


Tim has no life.

DadKong and Momzilla keep a close watch, always ready to yank him back into their stifling embrace before anything interesting can happen, just as they have for the entire thirteen years of his existence.

Then—with a little help from his wild best friend, Jason—Tim figures out how to be sneaky.

Soon Jason makes an unsettling confession and Tim sees no choice but to distance himself from their friendship. Increasingly, he relies on his new online friend, Mudd, for company and validation.

He soon finds himself caught in the crossfire as Mudd and Jason accuse each other of increasingly bad things, leaving Tim to wonder… is his so-called best friend for life someone he never really knew? Or is his new best friend taking him for a ride?

Both of them know his secrets and he soon realizes one of them is willing to use them.

Tim knows he’s learned a valuable life lesson. The problem is, he’s not sure he’ll live long enough to put it to use.


Graphic Content Warning:
This novel contains depictions of violence, sexual abuse and child abuse. It also depicts teens using drugs and engaging in consensual sexual activities. This novel contains strong language.