ABOUT Melissa Mills

Melissa Mills
Melissa D. Stiveson is a graduate of Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH and holds a BSBA in Purchasing and Materials Management, Production Operations Management, and International Business.  She is presently the Director of Materials Management at a manufacturing company i More...


Have you always wanted to create your own budget to see where your money is going but just didn't know how? This book will guide you through a very simple process that you can maintain each month that will show you where your money is being spent and if you are on track to save money for the future. With the help of the Cinchy Saver, this book will first guide you through the budget elements and then show you how to create your own budget. When you are done, you will know if you should be saving money each month or if you are spending more than you are earning. There are additional tips on how to cut expenses each month so you don't become a Miserable Moneygrump. There is also a section on Positive Intentions that you can do on a daily basis to keep you on track. (Mind over Matter) The Cinchy Saver will sum it all up in a Wrap Session and then leave you with workbook pages so you can get started the same day you purchase this book. Here's to all of you future Cinchy Savers!