Bewitched, Body and Soul: Miss Elizabeth Bennet


By P. O. Dixon

Publisher : P O Dixon

ABOUT P. O. Dixon

P. O. Dixon
P O Dixon acknowledges arriving rather late in the game. Her initial exposure to Pride and Prejudice was in 2007. After watching the 2005 film at least two times a day for as many weeks, she determined she needed to know much more of the story's hero. After reading the novel, along with se More...

**Highlights** The heroine defies convention by arriving unescorted on the doorstep of a single gentleman. The threat of scandal looms ... The aftermath ... Overview Elizabeth determines to right a wrong against her family by reuniting her sister and the man she loves. Society's expectations and decorum are but a few things standing in her way. Upon discovery, will Elizabeth forgive the one man who has been the means of disappointing the hopes of a most beloved sister?

**What Readers Say**
"The tension/angst between Darcy and Elizabeth was perfect throughout the story. It wasn't too much but just enough to keep the readers wanting more."  Stephanie H., reader
"I just couldn't stop reading until I finished it."  Robin Helm, author