The Bird School. More Clicker Training for Parrots and Other Birds. Including: How to do Medical Training

Outdoors & Nature, Home & Garden, Family & Relationships

By Ann Castro

Publisher : AdlA Papageienhilfe gGmbH

ABOUT Ann Castro

Ann Castro
Since childhood, Ann Castro has been surrounded by parrots, as well as other birds and animals. Both parents being medical doctors – her father a psychiatrist and neurologist, her mother a general practitioner who also bred budgeriars – Ann was introduced to behavioural, as well as med More...


Would you like to continue clicker training with your birds and further develop your relationship? 
Would you like to teach your bird exercises that will simplify your daily life together? 
Would you like to help your birds to get into and remain in mental and physical top shape? 
Would you like to familiarize your birds with all procedures required for grooming, emergency and medical care? 

Then this book is perfect for you. 

If you have mastered the exercises in Clicker Training for Parrots and other Birds, Volume I and would like to continue with clicker training, this book will assist you with many new exercises. Learn from renowned parrot expert Ann Castro how to teach your birds various exercises which help you to improve and facilitate your living together. These include advanced obedience lessons, various games you can play together, as well as grooming, emergency and medical care exercises. Since clicker training is based exclusively on positive reinforcement, you and your birds will enjoy this training and it will further deepen your relationship.