I Loved You First

Young Adult, Gay & Lesbian

By Reena Jacobs

Publisher : Reena Jacobs

ABOUT Reena Jacobs

Reena Jacobs
Reena Jacobs is just your typical writer who loves to see her words in print. As an avid reader, she’s known to hoard books and begs her husband regularly for “just one more purchase.” Her home life is filled with days chasing her preschooler and nights harassing her husband. Bet More...


Alexandria (Alex) Carmichael guards two secrets close to her heart. One–she’s in love with her best friend, Seth. Two–he’s gay.

As a freshman in college, Alex looks forward to fun times with her best friend. When Seth decides cycling through girlfriends is the way to fit in with the straight crowd, Alex must make a choice: watch Seth give his affection–though phony–to another while her heart breaks or come clean with her feelings and risk losing his friendship forever.

I LOVED YOU FIRST is a new adult love story told through the eyes of Alex, an African-American/Caucasian student, who takes a journey of self-discovery while watching her best friend come to terms with his sexuality.