Sliding on the Edge

Young Adult

By C. Lee McKenzie

Publisher : WestSide Books

ABOUT C. Lee McKenzie

C. Lee McKenzie
A native Californian, C. Lee McKenzie is a writer who captures the pulse of adolescent confusion in her young adult novels, Sliding on the Edge and The Princess of Las Pulgas, Coming soon is her debut middle grade fantasy, Alligators Overhead.



Shawna Stone, sixteen, has learned to handle anything from a Las Vegas hustle to skipping out on the rent. Scarred inside and out, she's survived with a tough, hardened attitude. When her mother abandons her in Vegas, with only a bus ticket and the name and number of a stranger to call, this troubled desperate teen finds herself on a California horse ranch with Kay Stone, the steely, youngish grandmother she's never known. Follow their journey to trust and love.

A news article that told about a survey on Ivy League campuses was the beginning of Sliding on the Edge. Here's what that article said: “Nearly 1 in 5 students at two Ivy League schools say they have purposely injured themselves by cutting, burning or other methods, a disturbing phenomenon that psychologists say they are hearing about more often.” When I read that I remember saying out loud, “Something’s wrong.” And those are the words that begin my book.