The Last Archangel

Science Fiction & Fantasy, Young Adult

By Michael Young

Publisher : Bonneville Books

ABOUT Michael Young

Michael Young
I am a writer of science fiction and fantasy.  I have two published novels: The Canticle Kingdom and The Last Archangel.
I am a graduate of Brigham Young University with a degree in German Teaching and a minor in Music. I live in Utah with his wife and two sons.

I enjoy wr More...



Doomed to serve as a destroying angel until the end of the world, the fallen angel Xandir sometimes wonders what is taking so long.  In thousands of years, he has only cared about one person and he was forced to destroy her along with her entire city in the line of duty. 

Then a secret brotherhood approaches him and claims that together they can end the world and reunite him with his lost love.  To do so, he must enter an ancient sunken city and emerge with a seed from the noxious tree at its center. With the seed’s poison they could construct weapons to bring down the curtain on Earth’s final act. Xandir’s journey takes him around the world, both above and beneath, sending him rushing in where most angels fear to tread.

Everything in The Last Archangel works on several different levels.  I give it an A+ for pacing.  When you get this book, you'll want to clear your schedule for the next couple of days. At the very least, leave a note for your loved ones explaining that you're fine, just lost in an excellent story.

-J. Lloyd Morgan



The Last Archangel delivers quite the entertaining read with enough action and interesting characters to keep me more than satisfied. Xandir rocks!

-Frank Cole, Author of Guardians of the Hidden Scepter and the Hashbrown Winters series