Create Stunning Book Previews for Your Book with the New BookBuzzr Flipper

The BookBuzzr Flipper has been an essential tool for over 11,000 authors. Last July, with the release of the iPhone compatible Flipper we had made book excerpts of our authors accessible to a whole new class of users. Today, we’re pleased to announce the release of a new version of the Flipper where the pages rendered to readers are sharper and crisper regardless of zoom level.

Figure 1 is a snapshot of the earlier format. Figure 2 shows the same page, but with the new, advanced image formatting. Note that the image is sharper in Figure 2, scaling in such a way that the image’s resolution is always preserved. No matter how deep the zoom, the image scales accordingly, without getting blurred or creating jagged edges.




If you’re an existing author, you don’t need to do anything. Just take a look at your own book in the BookBuzzr Flipper and give us your feedback. If you’re an author thinking about using the BookBuzzr Flipper, here’s another reason for you to do so now!

If you have any questions or comments, please write below or catch us on Twitter

Vikram Narayan is the founder of BookBuzzr Book Marketing Technologies. Follow him on Twitter
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